//Little Lady :3


where are you biyy

Tuesday, March 6, 2012 @ 4:53 AM | 0 Comment [s]

where are you biyy , i miss you now . dari balek sch tadi bby try call until skunk biyy ta angkt . apa salah bby ?? bby text biy , biy ta balas . serius bby ckp bby nages tahu ta sbb hati bby rasa lain mcm sbb bby risau tentang biy . but biy mcm ta kesah je pasal bby . biy !! jgn lh senyap mcm niew . biy tahu ta na dekad 90 misscall bby biy ta angkat . bby btul2 risau pasal biy sbb bby syg biy sgt2 . pegi mampuslh kalau diownk na ckp bby batak biy ke ? biy gilakan biy ke ? atau whatever bby btul2 sygkn biy ikhlas dri hati bby . biy tahu ta dri balek sch smapi skunk bby duduk tunggu call , mesej or whatever dri biy . bby tatahu knp bby betul2 rsau pasal biy . bby ta tahu dekat mne salah bby but if i was wrong just tell me oke . biy dengar sini ye bby ta pernah syg or cintakan seorang lelaki mcm mne bby syg or cintakan biy . alau betul biy pun rasa bnde yang sama tolong bby minta tolong sesangat tolonglh balas call n text bby . i really really want you . please be mine . where are you biy ?? i need you now biy . biy kena tahu keadaan bby da ta mcm dulu . please be here for me .

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